
An internship is a field of study-related work experience that allows students to work in a professional environment to gain valuable knowledge, training, and skills. Your time as an intern can also help you explore and better define your career interests. Paid internships differ in length and can be offered during the academic year or in the summer. It is never too early to consider applying for internships.

63% of college graduates who completed a paid internship received a job offer.

Today’s highly competitive job market requires that college graduates have more than just a degree, and employers expect college graduates to have career-relevant work experience. Relevant work experience, a professional network and having a sense of professional confidence helps graduates be more marketable and better land employment upon graduation.

Graduates with paid internships were shown to be more likely to be offered a job and start their job with a salary that was 28% higher than their peers without internship experience.

The Office of Workplace Learning works with local businesses to post and promote paid internships. The Office also provides in-depth internship application workshops to prepare students to apply for competitive local and regional internships, as well as internships available across the country offered by the federal government, the National Science Foundation, and the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities.

"HR and Managers value internships and employment during college more than college majors, GPA or any other attribute."

-Chronicle of Higher Education



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